Sunday, April 19, 2009

I really like him

We were leaning next to each other and I was rubbing my finger on his arm!!! Later on we were standing outside his truck kidding around and he wanted to talk to me alone but M was there.  I've been trying to find his phone number.  I really like him and I'm not seeing anyone!  Neither is he!  M and I got in a big fight and he was a real ass!  I will never go out with him again!  

blow your mind

You've got to swear not to tell anyone!  Especially you-know-who!  Yesterday, in gym, I hit K by accident and she hit me back twice.  Once in the eye and once in the nose and said "I'll get you back for that".  Well, I went and sat down by R's purse and got out five notes and one of them will blow your mind!  I'll show you later.

don't want to waste my time

I'm gonna write a letter to M and ask him why he's made at me.  I didn't think I did anything to him.  I hope not.  Is he still going wild over H?  I'm sure he is!  Well, that's life for ya.  I'll ask J soon.  He'll probably cuss me out or something - I hope not!  If he did I would be so embarrassed.  So if he does it's your fault.

I hope it snows tomorrow so we don't have to come to school.  There are no good-looking guys here.  On my street there are 4 great-looking guys and if it snows and we don't have to go school I'll invite them to come over while mom's at work.  Don't I have brilliant ideas?  Well, I might as well like one of them and say to hell with you-know-who.   I don't really want to waste my time, ya know!  

sharing a locker

We had to say this poem yesterday in English and I didn't even know it but I got an A because these guys kept laughing at me (trying to make me mess up) and she thought that was why I messed up so much.  

What was wrong with you yesterday and Wednesday?  Did you go to the doctor?  I meant to call you but I forgot all about it!  Sorry!  I remembered the combination to the locker (6-16-26) but since you're here it doesn't really matter.  I hate Mrs. H!  She's such a booty-hole!  She knew we were sharing a locker but she still wouldn't give me the combination. 

I had to get a popsicle

Sorry, I spent .13 of the money I owed you.  But I had to get a popsicle yesterday or Wednesday and I didn't have enough money.  

T is bugging the sh_t out of me.  See...we were sitting in the cafeteria during study hall, talking and drawing pictures, and T kept telling me to shut up.  And then she comes up with all this crap like "if a tick ate my brain it would still be hungry" and that I was a "dumb dork".  She's got a big butt and eats like a hog and in a pair of shorts she looks like Miss Piggy except not that cute!  It seems like I'm always mad at somebody or somebody is mad at me.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

you know why I'm saying all this

What are you doing?  I'm sitting in study hall, having a wild party!  Get this now, Mrs. H is grading papers, R is reading his history, L is cleaning out her folder, B is staring at the ceiling. Today has been kinda boring but we'll make up for it this weekend!  I can't wait until Sat. night!  

Oh, tell M I said hi.  Have you ever thought about liking someone else besides J?  I think you should find someone else.  Like how about that guy, B?  or T?  I think he's cute, seriously!  You can still go with J but he's such a twerp!  (no offense intended!)  But I think you can do better than J.  You know why I'm saying all this.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

who cares?

Don't let anyone else see this!

Why did you and T have to go tell everyone what kind of underwear I have?  What business is it of theirs?  Who cares what color underwear I have?  It's extremely embarrassing and it's nobody else's business!  T quit telling everyone and I wish you would too!  I happen to like my red and white polka dot underwear!  I told you and T that because you were my friends and I didn't think you would do a thing like that.

all these stickers

Yesterday, K came over to my house and we went down to the Harpeth River and got all muddy.  We also played football.  J, my brother, threw the football into this grass 4 feet tall (at least) and we got into all these stickers and they were from our head to our shoes.  That's mainly what we did all day, and that's to pull the stickers off of each other.  When we took K home we saw C in the street dancing.

I hate being grounded!

I feel terrible!  My eyes hurt like hell!  From crying myself to sleep!  I hate being grounded!!!  I don't care about watching TV, I'd rather talk on the phone.  I can do without the radio, just let me go out!  I just thought of something - maybe I'm just grounded from the car!   I can go out but not drive!

Did you do your geometry? I tried.  That doesn't mean I know how!

Bo & Luke are foxes

What's going on?  Here?  Just watching the Dukes of Hazzard.  Big thrills.  Bo & Luke are foxes!  I wish I could go somewhere tomorrow night.  But no, I've got to babysit.  Well, at least I'll get some money.  Well, gotta run (haha)!

he's got a razor

What's up today?  Nothing much here, but I got a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans this weekend.  What did you do this weekend?  We've got gym today, did you bring your gym clothes?  I did.

All the girls in study hall are kidding this ugly boy and saying he's got a razor.  I think he really does have a razor.  He sits by me (or near me) and I heard him talking about it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

free passes

Please don't get mad at me for talking about cheerleading so much, I just get kind of excited!  I'll calm down in a little while.  I wish I could go to France.  Fat chance!  You know that guy I showed you?  The kind of ugly one?  I'd still like to be friends with him anyway.  He seems nice.

I wonder what's for lunch?  Probably something nasty as usual.   Are you going skating Sat. night?  I've got free passes you can use.  

I'm so depressed!  Don't ask me why, because I don't know!  Have you talked to L or M about all of us getting together to exchange gifts at Christmas?  I hope we go to L's house.  That would be fun.  I'd better go, it's almost time for lunch.

I don't want to go to daycamp

I think I like C now.  But I'm not sure.  R is being a bitch today.  I said Hi to her in the halls, gym, and in homeroom but she just flips her hair at me.  I don't want to go to daycamp.  I'll be the only one my age there.  I might not have to but I probably will.  I want to be a counselor but I don't think my jackass step-dad will let me.  See ya!

he might have done that

Are you going to S's party?  I mean did you ask?  I did and my mom said maybe not, because she didn't want me trick or treating over there.  But, I told her that S's mom would go with us and she said o.k.  Her mom won't go with us cause she's going to take S's little sister.  But, I guess I can go!  Hope so!

We have Art today!  Sit by J, o.k.?  We get our pottery back today.  Mine's gonna look weird cause I did it in 3 different colors.  What color did you do yours?  J's didn't do his in any color cause it broke.  But if you glue and glaze it, it will stick together!  He might have done that.

I mean mad!

T is going crazy with that tape recorder.  She was playing "We've Got the Beat" in the bathroom before 3rd period.  M is mad! I mean mad!  Somebody is going around saying he's going with (drumroll, please!)  B!  Wouldn't you be a little pissed off too?  Are you still going with J?  I've got to tell you something but I'm afraid you'll get mad at me.  I'm not supposed to tell you because J's supposed to, but he hasn't yet.  (if you're still going with him)

remind me in gym

I'm in Math right now.  I supposed to be doing homework but I don't want to do it.  Guess who I sit by in Math?  R!  He's got on those boots today and everyone is saying they're girl boots but they're not, they just look like it.  

S thinks this boy named M likes her.  Remind me in gym and I'll tell you the whole story.

I gave T her record back.  Now she won't let anyone touch it.  At all!  Oh!  And T's a little upset too!  Because she likes this boy named C and S is teasing her about it.  I'll tell you all about it in gym, too.  Remind me!

you know what I mean?

You did great!  Will you help me campaign for President of the student council?  I am going to make buttons over the weekend and I need someone to help me pass them out.  I am not sure who I am running against.  Do you think I have a chance?  Did you know J is moving to California when his house sells?  He told me in Math.  History is soooo boring!  I mean, it will like, put you to sleep!  You know what I mean?  Well, I guess I'll go.

nothing ever happens

Can you tell me T's name in Pig Latin?  She wants a nickname.  Study hall for me is boring too.  Even though I am an office aide.  Nothing ever happens. By the way, my name in Pig Latin is not Awnshay (well I guess it could be)  But 2 others are Awnshay or you can leave out the "w" and also Hawnshay.  I prefer Ahsnay.  My schedule is 1. math, 2. gym, 3. science, 4. office aide, 5. lunch, 6. english, 7. history.

p.s. poor baby, maybe he'll kiss you instead!

he runs track!

I couldn't believe we got caught parking by a cop!  I was so scared!  He started searching the car like we had pot or something!  M & S weren't screwing but he had his pants off when the cop first drove by!  Me & T were dressed, I was glad to say.  You wouldn't believe his body!  He runs track and works out with weights!  Every muscle on his body is just right and he has the cutest ass I've ever seen.  He wore tight Jordache jeans yesterday.  You talk about sexy!  Last night he was combing his hair (at his house) and he says "can I ask you a personal question?"  I said sure, I thought S had said something to him but he just said "are you a virgin?" (drop the jaw!) I said "yep".  He said "so am I" (yeah!) He doesn't really think it's right either.

my number's in the book

Will you go with me?  I've liked you for a long time now.  Please say you'll go with me.  I think you're sweet.  Tell me your answer.  If you don't see me in the hall give it to B or someone else to give to me, okay?  Or call me tonight my number's in the book.  I love you, darling!

did you see R's haircut?

Hey!  Can you come over tomorrow?  We can swim in the creek.  There are catfish in it!  Sorry I haven't written you but I'm LAZY!  Did you see R's haircut?  It's o.k., know!  We were in the bathroom after lunch and everybody left except me and A and J and me and J were making fun of R's hair and guess who flushed the toilet?  R!  Boy, is she P.O.ed!  I can't stand school!  Only one more week to go!  TGIF!  Bye, gotta go!

he's so funny

Hi, what's up?   Nothing here.  Did J write you a note?  Did you write back?  We have a sub in study hall.  J's just sitting there and looking at the wall.  Ha ha!  He' so funny!

does my hair look o.k. today?

Wassup woman?  I hope K goes to the tournament.  I really want J to go but I don't think he will.  Guess what I found out!  J is taking a girl to the Hillwood prom but only because their parents are friends!  Yeah!  If J or K doesn't ask me to the dance I think P might ask me!  And if nobody asks me I'll go stag and be a wallflower (sniff, sniff).  B is having a party for everybody tomorrow night.  I hope that either J or K goes to that.  It's going to be fun.  I'll really miss all of this after wrestling season.  I suppose I'll live over it.  Does my hair look o.k. today?  It needs to be cut (again)

I forgot to put my watch on today.  I feel half naked.  I keep wanting to see what time it is and I can't!  Sorry I keep asking you so much!  Well, there is only a few more minutes left in this class (thank God!) so I'd better go.  My mom gave me a $20 bill for lunch today!  I'm sure!  That's going to look real cute!

history is boring

Hey hey hey!  What's up?  Nothing here.  I'm in history.  It is so boring.  Mrs. L is talking too much, as usual.  I wish she would let us go buy our yearbooks.  I did terrible on the spelling test. I didn't study.  I didn't even have all of the words copies down.  History is so boring!

Did you know that K got a valentine's present from S?  How gross!  Why is she always hanging around with those gross 7th graders?  She's strange!  Well, gotta go.

p.s. I've been going with J for four months and no, he didn't give me anything for valentine's day!

And you know I can't fight

We sure had fun at the library last night.  Next time I go I'm going to look at some microfilms of the Civil War.  I think that would be interesting.  Maybe you can come to my house Sat and we'll work on the project.  Then you and maybe T can spend the night with me and go to church with me the next day.

T can really be low sometimes.  It seems like every time I turn around she's cutting me down.  When I told M she said "cut her down".  Well, the cut downs I have for her she'd beat me up in an instant.  And you know I can't fight.  What do you think I should do?  One day I called her and asked her why she did that.  She said she's always in a bad mood in the mornings and just to ignore her. Well, it's hard to ignore her!  She constantly talking about me.  And it seems like she's always mad at me.  Why?  It's what I want to know.  I'd really like to be friends with her.  By the way, I don't care if you tell anyone about this.

I won't laugh

Hey woman, just got your note!  Hey, wow!  I promise I won't laugh if you tell me who you like.  You didn't laugh when I told you I like M.L., so I won't laugh at you, really I won't!  Last night I got some of R's make-up on my finger and it won't!  I was scrubbing it when I took my shower but it wouldn't come off!  It's so nasty!  We didn't have any Vaseline either.  Everybody says I should let A.L. know I like him but I'm afraid to.  I don't want him to ignore me if he finds out!