Sunday, April 19, 2009

don't want to waste my time

I'm gonna write a letter to M and ask him why he's made at me.  I didn't think I did anything to him.  I hope not.  Is he still going wild over H?  I'm sure he is!  Well, that's life for ya.  I'll ask J soon.  He'll probably cuss me out or something - I hope not!  If he did I would be so embarrassed.  So if he does it's your fault.

I hope it snows tomorrow so we don't have to come to school.  There are no good-looking guys here.  On my street there are 4 great-looking guys and if it snows and we don't have to go school I'll invite them to come over while mom's at work.  Don't I have brilliant ideas?  Well, I might as well like one of them and say to hell with you-know-who.   I don't really want to waste my time, ya know!  

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